aloalo*: stumps
aloalo*: freshly cut
aloalo*: crooked
aloalo*: falls
aloalo*: fallen trees
aloalo*: mud
aloalo*: daisy
aloalo*: green forest
aloalo*: bridge
aloalo*: mossy trail
aloalo*: fallen tree
aloalo*: old bc electric bus
aloalo*: 1913
aloalo*: tea pot
aloalo*: book hunting
aloalo*: fresh strawberries
aloalo*: flea market
aloalo*: the steep part
aloalo*: the easy part
aloalo*: evening walk by the river
aloalo*: enjoying the sun
aloalo*: a bit hazy
aloalo*: trail
aloalo*: lupins
aloalo*: canada geese goslings
aloalo*: buttercups
aloalo*: lake
aloalo*: snail
aloalo*: photographer
aloalo*: Am I too old ?