aloalo*: canada geese goslings
aloalo*: snail
aloalo*: super cute and friendly
aloalo*: winery dog
aloalo*: friendly seagull
aloalo*: little friend
aloalo*: meeeeeh
aloalo*: relaxing on the fence
aloalo*: barn kitten
aloalo*: tigerlily curls her tail
aloalo*: eric made a new friend
aloalo*: peeking out the window
aloalo*: very friendly cat
aloalo*: whiskeyjack
aloalo*: super relaxed bunny :D
aloalo*: moo
aloalo*: bambi
aloalo*: shika senbei stall
aloalo*: hello :D
aloalo*: relaxing
aloalo*: peeking
aloalo*: baby bunny
aloalo*: it's lunch time for bunny
aloalo*: lunch time
aloalo*: sleepy doggy on the fishing boat
aloalo*: we met another one
aloalo*: nice to see her again
aloalo*: her name is "latte"
aloalo*: he was enjoying the leaves too
aloalo*: jinjya kitten