Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-2
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-4
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-3
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-7
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-6
Almost Scientific: Maker Faire 2011-5
Almost Scientific: The Simple Act of Making a Mark
Almost Scientific: Drawing Machine X-Axis Test
Almost Scientific: VID_20110223_235851
Almost Scientific: VID_20110325_141751
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (7 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (6 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (5 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (4 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (2 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (1 of 7)
Almost Scientific: DrawingMachinefab (3 of 7)
Almost Scientific: The Simple Act of Making a Mark - 4 Loops