almost cool: saying "everything happened at once" is an antidote
almost cool: but if they just knew what my night was coming to
almost cool: from an ordinary house, in an ordinary road, from an ordinary town there came an ordinary girl.
almost cool: der egoist
almost cool: we should go down to the sea. it's just you, our god and me.
almost cool: princess manra and her wee seashell
almost cool: you're only cool if you smile while seeing a bubble.
almost cool: /glimmering tuesday
almost cool: friday blurry friday/
almost cool: i think it was may
almost cool: they always try to look on the bright side of their so called lifes
almost cool: no drinking songs and not drinking too much.
almost cool: she ain't no corpse bride, pal.
almost cool: stop taking photographs.
almost cool: the places where the faces fit.
almost cool: mirror kisser window licker
almost cool: i can see myself
almost cool: oh lord make me pure. but not yet.
almost cool: sing: and then along comes mary
almost cool: boo hoo, life is though
almost cool: braces
almost cool: karina
almost cool: auntie