Almond Butterscotch: If I Could See But Once More, Plate I
Almond Butterscotch: If I Could See But Once More, Plate II
Almond Butterscotch: Halloween at Mike's
Almond Butterscotch: Hard to Know You Still Care
Almond Butterscotch: Like a Moth Inside a Jar
Almond Butterscotch: Not a Feeling, An Ability
Almond Butterscotch: Always Watching You Leave
Almond Butterscotch: Perfect Truth
Almond Butterscotch: A Sequel in Hotel Hearts, Plate I
Almond Butterscotch: The Heart Blood of Every American
Almond Butterscotch: Not Lying, Denying
Almond Butterscotch: You Can Stay; I'll Leave.
Almond Butterscotch: Drained of Delusions, Plate I
Almond Butterscotch: Drained of Delusions, Plate II
Almond Butterscotch: Obsolescent
Almond Butterscotch: Walkin' Down Comm Ave, Plate II
Almond Butterscotch: The Man on the Red Line in the Red Shirt with the Red Lens and Matching Wife in the 'Professional Series Lens' Dress
Almond Butterscotch: Compared To Someone Not There
Almond Butterscotch: Eagog the Freagle
Almond Butterscotch: Boston Coliseum
Almond Butterscotch: A Fire in Your Own Heart
Almond Butterscotch: If Only You Weren't My Friend (Never Claimed to be a Saint)
Almond Butterscotch: Open Doors
Almond Butterscotch: Sunny Cheese: For With You is The Fountain of Life
Almond Butterscotch: First Kiss