Almond Butterscotch: With God, Margaret, Betty, and Yvonne
Almond Butterscotch: Perfect Lie
Almond Butterscotch: Long Rest the Hand of God
Almond Butterscotch: Coffee Break
Almond Butterscotch: A Moonshine Disguise
Almond Butterscotch: A Bench and Bottle of Cheap Wine
Almond Butterscotch: Nothing Laughter Could Not Drown
Almond Butterscotch: Future Discoveries and Past Technologies
Almond Butterscotch: A New York State of Mind
Almond Butterscotch: Slightly Vacuous
Almond Butterscotch: Pants Dance
Almond Butterscotch: The Scarlet Touch
Almond Butterscotch: Deliverance From Fate
Almond Butterscotch: Benedict Arnold's Secrets
Almond Butterscotch: Doubted if I Should Ever Come Back
Almond Butterscotch: Hyperbolic Truth
Almond Butterscotch: Hiss and Preach About Your New Messiah
Almond Butterscotch: Consign Me Not to Darkness