ally millar: Mayor of the Hot Dog Stand
ally millar: Lucky the adorable bar dog
ally millar: moose with hat and toothpick
ally millar: don't touch
ally millar: the fence should help people keep off
ally millar: statue
ally millar: Montauk Manor advertising
ally millar: in memory
ally millar: Happy Birthday!
ally millar: Montauk Lighthouse again
ally millar: beach bums
ally millar: walking to lighthouse
ally millar: Montauk Lighthouse
ally millar: surfing is ok Dec 16 - Mar 31, though.
ally millar: highway
ally millar: that's not how it works
ally millar: this will end badly
ally millar: stair fail
ally millar: sassy!
ally millar: keep off
ally millar: triangular buildings
ally millar: private boardwalk
ally millar: houses on the bluffs
ally millar: Sunset at Montauk Manor