ally millar: chappaquiddick
ally millar: stop the rock
ally millar: dock cranes
ally millar: sea foam
ally millar: flying ho
ally millar: news you can use
ally millar: lost boots
ally millar: because of 9/11 this sign makes no sense
ally millar: the gif store
ally millar: who are you?
ally millar: seems further away
ally millar: waiting for the return of etc etc
ally millar: these people are better than you
ally millar: broken fence
ally millar: telephone poles
ally millar: doesn't he know about the sharks?
ally millar: well, have you?
ally millar: monkey business
ally millar: that's where we're leaving
ally millar: doin it wrong
ally millar: sound powered telephone
ally millar: good bye rich people