allysonk: broadband portal editors smile (and scowl) for the camera on arianna's huffington's patio
allysonk: heather and meriah
allysonk: jb and malie
allysonk: i did NOT spill this drink
allysonk: arianna's wall
allysonk: abandoned shoes
allysonk: goddesses
allysonk: no one went in the pool
allysonk: anj, me, heather
allysonk: library
allysonk: anj and jess
allysonk: meriah from above
allysonk: crowd
allysonk: crowd
allysonk: outside
allysonk: heather and director
allysonk: malie's hair is in my face
allysonk: heather jess chris me
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: in and out
allysonk: directions
allysonk: kevin kisses you