allysdad: diamonds in Concourse C
allysdad: about to push back
allysdad: looking for my gate
allysdad: looking for my gate
allysdad: the tunnel
allysdad: the tunnel
allysdad: dinosaurs in the airport?
allysdad: getting closer
allysdad: "It's time to fly"
allysdad: pre-flight check
allysdad: the suitcase hauler
allysdad: Star Alliance
allysdad: afternoon traffic
allysdad: Rochester Redwings
allysdad: Frontier Field
allysdad: under the Kodak Building
allysdad: going to third base
allysdad: glove horse
allysdad: Intense Chocolate Milk
allysdad: Trent Oeltjen
allysdad: Oeltjen looking over the field
allysdad: red light, green light
allysdad: Chicago 603
allysdad: Hostess
allysdad: Dino menu
allysdad: working
allysdad: Re-Elect George D O'Connell Comptroller
allysdad: Harley Davidson
allysdad: waiting to make a play
allysdad: hey look, contrails!