alltom: Enjoyiing BBQ after planting rice
alltom: BBQ after rice-planting
alltom: BBQ after rice-planting
alltom: Roll call: entering the bus
alltom: Roll call: entering the bus
alltom: Friends
alltom: Chillin'
alltom: Roll call: entering the bus
alltom: Roll call: entering the bus
alltom: Weird guy
alltom: Big pointing statue
alltom: Tree and man
alltom: Observing the origami
alltom: Lots of tiny origami pieces
alltom: Trying to shoot a photo
alltom: Important heads
alltom: Fountain
alltom: Fountain
alltom: Lookin' up
alltom: Taking photos
alltom: Shooting water
alltom: Vote Michael
alltom: Famous statue
alltom: Inversions
alltom: Four children and two birds
alltom: Pidgey!
alltom: Cone and butterfly
alltom: Statue outside the entrance
alltom: Stairway going down
alltom: Chinatown street