Comedian Mike Brubriglia introduces Sharon Van Etten during the NPR SXSW Showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday night in Austin.
The crowd sings along to Sharon Van Etten during her performance at the NPR Music SXSW Showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday night in Austin.
The crowd cheers as Dan Deacon plays NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
The crowd cheers as Dan Deacon plays NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
The crowd dances as Dan Deacon plays NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
Crowdmembers participate in a follow-the-leader interpretive dance instructed from stage by Dan Deacon during NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
Crowdmembers participate in a follow-the-leader interpretive dance instructed from stage by Dan Deacon during NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
Crowdmembers participate in a follow-the-leader interpretive dance instructed from stage by Dan Deacon during NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
Crowdmembers participate in a follow-the-leader interpretive dance instructed from stage by Dan Deacon during NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.
Crowdmembers participate in a follow-the-leader interpretive dance instructed from stage by Dan Deacon during NPR's SXSW showcase at Stubb's on Wednesday evening in Austin.