Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 12 December 1957 - BRATUNAC / Братунац on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 30 January 1958 - BRLOG / БРЛОГ on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 8 April 1961 - DOBROVA (pri LJUBLJANI) on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 31 July 1958 - GORNJA STUBICA on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 7 March 1961 - GOSPIĆ / ГОСПИЋ on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 24 March 1961 - IVANKOVO / Иванково on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 13 December 1957 - LEPOGLAVA / Лепоглава on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 13 April 1961 - ЛУЧАНИ / LUČANI on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 22 December 1958 - LUDBREG on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 21 April 1958 - НЕВЕСИЊЕ / NEVESINJE on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 15 January 1955 - RESEN / Ресен on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 31 May 1958 - ŠEMPAS on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 14 March 1961 - SEVNICA on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 14 March 1961 - SREDIŠČE ob DRAVI on small piece
Treasures from the Past: Postmarks from Yugoslavia - 16 June 1958 - Видоши / VIDOŠI on small piece