allison mcd:
welcome to the cheesery
allison mcd:
welcome to the cheesery
allison mcd:
farm fresh eggs
allison mcd:
more eggs in a basket
allison mcd:
edible flower chevre
allison mcd:
edible flower chevre
allison mcd:
dog and cheese boots
allison mcd:
... like a slug
allison mcd:
tony's horse
allison mcd:
la latterie
allison mcd:
butterfly in the office
allison mcd:
cock a doodle doo
allison mcd:
killer ram
allison mcd:
mean ol' ram
allison mcd:
shelter from the snow
allison mcd:
resting mamas
allison mcd:
looking up
allison mcd:
hen pecking
allison mcd:
sheep fountain head
allison mcd:
driveway sign
allison mcd:
allison mcd:
new friend
allison mcd:
fuzzy rooster
allison mcd:
missing a beak and a tail
allison mcd:
Finn 2
allison mcd:
Finn 1
allison mcd:
ewe on a wednesday
allison mcd:
wood wood wood
allison mcd:
spring shelter
allison mcd:
growing lambs