presidentadow: James and Barack
presidentadow: matt's new camera
presidentadow: side view
presidentadow: top view
presidentadow: full side view
presidentadow: Bottom front
presidentadow: this is the best reality
presidentadow: My marilyn, our vintage bar (formerly a vintage tv)
presidentadow: Cheshire toilet
presidentadow: It's an alice bathroom
presidentadow: Vintage embroidery
presidentadow: Our kitchen
presidentadow: Our new chair
presidentadow: close up of pattern on chair
presidentadow: Soda King
presidentadow: Buckeye Beer
presidentadow: The collection
presidentadow: My favorite camera
presidentadow: MCM Magazine rack
presidentadow: Solid radio
presidentadow: Panisonic orb radio dial
presidentadow: Panasonic orb radio
presidentadow: Faux vintage fossil radio
presidentadow: Fisher Price radio
presidentadow: Another radio in our collection
presidentadow: charcol drawing by Matt Taylor
presidentadow: our art wall
presidentadow: Pile o' ties