AlleyesonJenny: Hour three of waiting. FOR REAL?
AlleyesonJenny: The line for Gaga @ HOB.
AlleyesonJenny: I seriously can't believe this line
AlleyesonJenny: Gaga madness
AlleyesonJenny: Preparing for House of Gaga
AlleyesonJenny: Her entrance. And some dumb bitches hand.
AlleyesonJenny: Disco stick!
AlleyesonJenny: So freaking close
AlleyesonJenny: Gaaagaaaa
AlleyesonJenny: Disco stick!
AlleyesonJenny: I loved her dancers
AlleyesonJenny: Hey girl
AlleyesonJenny: Her Vespa matched her outfit which matched the dancers backpacks
AlleyesonJenny: Seriously? We were so close
AlleyesonJenny: Seriously? We were so close
AlleyesonJenny: Love her
AlleyesonJenny: Bubbles!
AlleyesonJenny: Love her
AlleyesonJenny: The Shades
AlleyesonJenny: Bubbles!!
AlleyesonJenny: More piano
AlleyesonJenny: This was my favorite part
AlleyesonJenny: The Lady
AlleyesonJenny: Fake finale. She came back for two more :)
AlleyesonJenny: Cherry Cherry Boom Boom
AlleyesonJenny: Cherry Cherry Boom Boom
AlleyesonJenny: Love her