AlleyesonJenny: Braintree Youth Basketball! 1988, the Bullets
AlleyesonJenny: Miss Lauria's Third Grade Class 1988
AlleyesonJenny: I was born making that weird muppet face
AlleyesonJenny: In my grandparent's old basement on Pearl Street.
AlleyesonJenny: This is one of my favorite pictures of my parents as youngins'
AlleyesonJenny: Katy, Georgie and Katie ... and a REALLY creepy doll.
AlleyesonJenny: My first communion monkey dance ...?
AlleyesonJenny: Frazier Family Easter circa 1989ish.
AlleyesonJenny: The Cousins at Amy's First Communion (1981)
AlleyesonJenny: Summer on the Patio with cousins.
AlleyesonJenny: Lemme tell you 'bout my sink.
AlleyesonJenny: Braintree Youth Soccer! Falcons 1988!
AlleyesonJenny: Frazier Family Christmas 1992? 1993?
AlleyesonJenny: Jenny, 6