Omniheurist: Stage + crockfordfacts are ready
Omniheurist: Microphone and Projector Beam
Omniheurist: Douglas and Chuck
Omniheurist: Scott Schiller of Flickr
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member taking notes
Omniheurist: Douglas Crockford speaking
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience members
Omniheurist: Eric Miraglia, saying "delete this picture" as it is being taken
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience members
Omniheurist: Douglas, view from stage left
Omniheurist: Douglas, view from stage right
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: Douglas speaking
Omniheurist: Crockford on JavaScript
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: Douglas Crockford speaking
Omniheurist: Scott Schiller of Flickr
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: Eric Miraglia, YUI Team Lead
Omniheurist: Douglas Crockford in conversation
Omniheurist: Eric Miraglia and Douglas Crockford
Omniheurist: Crockford In b/w (1/3)
Omniheurist: Crockford In b/w (2/3)
Omniheurist: Crockford In b/w (3/3)
Omniheurist: Crockford's explanation
Omniheurist: Matt Sweeney of YUI
Omniheurist: Crockford's audience member
Omniheurist: This explains the tuxedo (1/2)