allenpc: Levanto during sunset
allenpc: Levanto beach
allenpc: Beachside buildings
allenpc: Cooling off after a long day
allenpc: Levanto through a window
allenpc: Train station in Riomaggiore
allenpc: The classic pastel buildings of Cinque Terre
allenpc: Riomaggiore's boat launch
allenpc: Pristine waters
allenpc: Riomaggiore
allenpc: Riomaggiore from the breakwater
allenpc: Italian charm
allenpc: Manarola
allenpc: Lemon groves of Manarola
allenpc: Lemons
allenpc: Clocktower
allenpc: Narrow alley
allenpc: Weee!
allenpc: Manarola's breakwater
allenpc: Parting shot of Manarola
allenpc: Sheets in the wind
allenpc: Town on a cliff
allenpc: Entering Vernazza
allenpc: Vernazza's clock tower
allenpc: Vernazza's natural "harbor"
allenpc: Classic Vernazza
allenpc: Row boats in Monterosso
allenpc: Beach at Monterosso al Mare
allenpc: A perfect Batman logo
allenpc: Cowboy hat & handlebar mustache