alleluja: ice crystals 
alleluja: a squirrel at Austin
alleluja: a squirrel at Austin 2
alleluja: Guadalupe 1300
alleluja: Daniel Johnston's frog!!!
alleluja: Daniel's frog and...
alleluja: a longhorn in front of McDonald's
alleluja: St. Mary's cathedral
alleluja: Texas-shaped pancake
alleluja: beautiful illustrated bus
alleluja: polka-dot scooter
alleluja: a beautiful park
alleluja: small part of aircraft
alleluja: coming of autumn
alleluja: Segway tour group #1
alleluja: Segway tour group #2
alleluja: ACL banner
alleluja: Texas State Capital
alleluja: on the grass
alleluja: howdy!
alleluja: Guadalupe st.
alleluja: newspaper stand
alleluja: Fox 7 KTBC Austin
alleluja: at the Congress Avenue