Peter A. Allard School of Law: Martin Taylor,QC, Nolan Hurlburt and Marvin Storrow QC
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Leah George-Wilson, Nick Blom and Emily MacKinnon
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Mir Huculak, Kate Mulherin and Angelos Marinakis
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Erik Gauf and Warren Mitchell, QC
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Phil Litsky and Jeremy Shragge
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Aimee Procyk, Dan Small, Sid Cross, QC and Sara Hopkins
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Sara Hopkins, Chief Justice Lance Finch, Mahtab Kamangari and Mr Justice Bob Hunter
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Arash Farahmand, Willis O'Leary, QC, Katy Allen and Bruce Fraser, QC
Peter A. Allard School of Law: Ted Murray, Kerry Burgi, Graham Walker