Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class S3 No. 6503 at Squamish Railway Museum on 25 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Baldwin No. 8000 at Squamish Railway Museum on 25 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific CP SD40-2-type Nos. 5939 and 3000 at Abbotsford, BC on 15 September 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific GP38AC-type No. 3000 at Abbotsford BC on 15 September 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific 4-6-4 "Royal Hudson" No. 2860 in the CN Roundhouse Conference Centre, Squamish, British Columbia on 25 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific No. 2860 "Royal Hudson" at Squamish on 25 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class SD-42 No. 5824 on pilot duties at Kamloops on 28 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW Nos. 8510 and Class ES44AC No. 8737 heads out of Great Falls, Montana, USA on 18 April 2007
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW diesel No. 9840 hauls a freight to Vancouver at Lytton, British Columbia at sunrise on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific AC4400CW Nos. 9752 and 9803 cross River Thompson at Lytton on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW diesels Nos. 8853 (nearest), 9675, 9641 and 9715 at Sisco, south of Lytton, British Columbia charge a container train to Vancouver on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific GE-built Class AC4400CW Nos. 9715, 9641, 9675 and 8853 at Sisco, south of Lytton, British Columbia on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific General Electric Class ES44AC No. 9371 before 8 pm departure with containers to Vancouver at Kamloops, British Colubmia on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: CP Class AC4400CW Nos. 9832 and ES44AC Nos. 8885 & 8795 approach Lytton BC on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW Nos. 8795, 8885 and 9832 at Lytton, BC on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class ES44AC No. 8737 and AC4400CW No. 8510 head out of Great Falls, Montana, USA on 18 April 2007
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW Nos. 8687 and 8579 on the Canadian National line at Lytton BC on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW No. 8654 and 1831 at Lytton, British Columbia on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class AC4400CW Nos. 8795, 8885 and 9832 at Lytton, BC on 27 Sept 2012
Trains and trams eveywhere: Canadian Pacific Class FP7A No. 4069 at Squamish Heritage Park on 25 Sept 2012