Allan Lee: Lynx Spider on the white petal of a Crepe Ginger flower
Allan Lee: Gryllacris species
Allan Lee: Rhinagrion viridatum, male
Allan Lee: St. Andrew Cross Spider
Allan Lee: Macroxiphus sumatranus (Cone-headed Katydid)
Allan Lee: Betta macrostoma, female
Allan Lee: Baby Ramshorn snails
Allan Lee: Greater Banded Hornet
Allan Lee: Neurobasis chinensis (Green Metalwing)
Allan Lee: Robberfly
Allan Lee: Podolestes orientalis (Blue-spotted Flatwing)
Allan Lee: Big-Bellied Tylorida, Tylorida ventralis (mating pair)
Allan Lee: Day Flying Moth
Allan Lee: SayHiToAnt
Allan Lee: Small Fly
Allan Lee: Pygmy Grass Blue
Allan Lee: Hopper - fungus attacked
Allan Lee: Luminious Mushrooms
Allan Lee: Curved spiny spider, Gasteracantha arcuata
Allan Lee: Curved spiny spider, Gasteracantha arcuata
Allan Lee: Changeable Lizard
Allan Lee: Mating Robberfly
Allan Lee: Mantis's egg sac with parasitic wasps
Allan Lee: Lynx Spider with prey (Assassin Bug)
Allan Lee: Robberfly with prey (wasp)
Allan Lee: Bioluminescent fungi
Allan Lee: Podolestes orientalis
Allan Lee: Amphicnemis gracilis (Will-o-wisp), female
Allan Lee: Good Morning St.John
Allan Lee: Bioluminescent fungi