Allan England ~ Photography: The Duke of Portland Boathouse
Allan England ~ Photography: The Duke of Portland Boathouse
Allan England ~ Photography: "the grand old duke"
Allan England ~ Photography: "a classic view"
Allan England ~ Photography: "stop spoiling the view!"
Allan England ~ Photography: "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
Allan England ~ Photography: "composed during a storm"
Allan England ~ Photography: "She was a phantom of delight"
Allan England ~ Photography: "The great difference between voyages rests not with the ships, but with the people you meet on them."
Allan England ~ Photography: "the qualities of nature"
Allan England ~ Photography: "A Narrow Girdle of Rough Stones and Crags"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Art hurts. Art urges voyages - and it is easier to stay at home."
Allan England ~ Photography: "Beneath our feet a lowly little vale... A liquid pool that glittered in the sun And one bare dwelling. One abode, no more"
Allan England ~ Photography: "the loughrigg monster"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #6"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #1"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #4"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #7"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #2"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #5"
Allan England ~ Photography: "Mcgreevy's Cumbria #3"
Allan England ~ Photography: "don't blea-t about the weather" ~ {Explore}
Allan England ~ Photography: "the lady in the lake"
Allan England ~ Photography: "second chances"