Allan Lance: Maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus vespertilio 1
Allan Lance: maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: Female vespertilio Maratus
Allan Lance: Female vespertilio Maratus
Allan Lance: maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: todays Maratus Vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus Vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus Vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus Vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus Vespertilio
Allan Lance: immature maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: immature maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: seasonally early mature male Vespertilio
Allan Lance: seasonally early mature male Vespertilio
Allan Lance: the king of the gumnut
Allan Lance: the king of the gumnut
Allan Lance: till death us do part...
Allan Lance: till death us do part...
Allan Lance: small healthy maratus vespertillio
Allan Lance: small healthy maratus vespertillio
Allan Lance: male and female Vespertillio
Allan Lance: small immature maratus
Allan Lance: immature female vespertillio.
Allan Lance: immature female vespertillio.
Allan Lance: Maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: Maratus vespertilio
Allan Lance: female maratus vespertillio