Allan Lance: new holland honey eater
Allan Lance: spurwing plover. Vanellus Novaehollandiae
Allan Lance: Pacific Gull "Laurus Pacificus"
Allan Lance: red wattle bird....away we go!!
Allan Lance: 56 3 galahs
Allan Lance: 65 Rainbow Bee Eater Merops Ornatus
Allan Lance: 66 White Bellied Sea Eagle
Allan Lance: 67 Australian Darter Anhinga Melanogaster
Allan Lance: 69 Australian Pelican
Allan Lance: 70 Plumed Whistling Duck
Allan Lance: 71 Plumed Whistling Duck 1
Allan Lance: new holland honeyeater
Allan Lance: yellow billed spoonbill
Allan Lance: yellow billed spoonbill in flight
Allan Lance: crested pigeon
Allan Lance: pied cormorant
Allan Lance: white fronted tern
Allan Lance: Nankeen Kestrel and mouse
Allan Lance: Wood Duck "Chenonetta jubata"
Allan Lance: female Darter
Allan Lance: female Darter preening
Allan Lance: female Darter drying
Allan Lance: shags on a rock .......... Pied Cormorant
Allan Lance: new holland honey eater
Allan Lance: little black cormorant
Allan Lance: Eurasian Coot
Allan Lance: billing and cooing.... Peaceful Dove
Allan Lance: Noisy Miner... Manorina melanocephala
Allan Lance: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita