allaboutgeorge: In line
allaboutgeorge: Silkscreen T
allaboutgeorge: Press riser
allaboutgeorge: Noticias 14 Univision van
allaboutgeorge: Frank Ogawa Plaza audience
allaboutgeorge: Frank Ogawa Plaza audience
allaboutgeorge: Frank Ogawa Plaza audience
allaboutgeorge: Frank Ogawa Plaza audience
allaboutgeorge: Frank Ogawa Plaza audience
allaboutgeorge: Oakland City Hall
allaboutgeorge: Oakland City Hall
allaboutgeorge: Red Jewcy tank top
allaboutgeorge: Oakland City hall audience
allaboutgeorge: egairraM ytilauqE !!woN
allaboutgeorge: Cameramen off to the side
allaboutgeorge: Three thirty-six on a Saturday afternoon
allaboutgeorge: Arms above, aiming ahead
allaboutgeorge: Facing forward
allaboutgeorge: Head and shoulders above the crowd, pt. 1
allaboutgeorge: Head and shoulders above the crowd, pt. 2
allaboutgeorge: O'bama button wearer
allaboutgeorge: Sheer 'fro-etry
allaboutgeorge: Frank Chu guilties Barack Obama to 12 galaxies