allaboutgeorge: Outside the James Irvine Conference Center
allaboutgeorge: Inside the James Irvine Conference Center
allaboutgeorge: Musical performers play during meal
allaboutgeorge: Crowd waits at James Irvine Conference Center
allaboutgeorge: Van Jones
allaboutgeorge: Van Jones and Geralina Fortier
allaboutgeorge: Van Jones and Gerlina Fortier meet family and friends
allaboutgeorge: Audience leaves for Roybal Auditorium in Oakland Federal Building, pt. 1
allaboutgeorge: Audience leaves for Roybal Auditorium in Oakland Federal Building, pt. 2
allaboutgeorge: Audience leaves for Roybal Auditorium in Oakland Federal Building, pt. 3
allaboutgeorge: Man sits by trashcan and reads "The Pedagogy of the Oppressed"
allaboutgeorge: Outside Edward D. Roybal Auditorium Conference Center
allaboutgeorge: Inside Edward D. Roybal Auditorium Conference Center
allaboutgeorge: Nicole Lee
allaboutgeorge: Pop. 409,300 Elev. 42 feet
allaboutgeorge: Paul Hawken speaks
allaboutgeorge: Geralina Fortier talks about Oakland's sustainability levels
allaboutgeorge: Geralina Fortier talks about Oakland's homicides
allaboutgeorge: Geralina Fortier says you are what you eat
allaboutgeorge: Bruce Cox speaks
allaboutgeorge: IMG_7875.JPG
allaboutgeorge: Bruce Cox speaks
allaboutgeorge: Forum's end
allaboutgeorge: Panelists chat with audience members
allaboutgeorge: Majora Carter and Van Jones
allaboutgeorge: Panelists talk
allaboutgeorge: Laptop and screen's welcome signs
allaboutgeorge: Paul Hawken, Majora Carter, Van Jones and Bruce Cox
allaboutgeorge: Panelists and audience
allaboutgeorge: Panelists and audience commingle