Alkelda: 5 Elementals front
Alkelda: 5 Elementals back
Alkelda: leaf and fox
Alkelda: leaf2 apr09
Alkelda: seachild 01 apr09
Alkelda: seachild 02 apr09
Alkelda: seachild 03 apr09
Alkelda: Butterfly herder front
Alkelda: moth boy front 1
Alkelda: moth boy back
Alkelda: Fog elemental doll 1
Alkelda: Fog elemental doll 2
Alkelda: Fog and Sand elemental dolls
Alkelda: ladybug gnomes 1
Alkelda: storytelling elementals1 may09
Alkelda: storytelling elementals2 may09
Alkelda: Ladybug Doll 2
Alkelda: Little King Winter
Alkelda: Meadow Fairy 2
Alkelda: Meadow Fairy 1
Alkelda: Bat Child 1 Sept09
Alkelda: Bat Child 2 Sept09
Alkelda: Rainbow with Cloud Child3 Sept09
Alkelda: Rainbow With Cloud Child 2 Sept09
Alkelda: Rainbow With Cloud Child1 Sept09
Alkelda: Honey 2 sept09
Alkelda: Honey 1 sept09
Alkelda: Blue Fairy 2 oct09
Alkelda: Blue Fairy 1 oct09
Alkelda: Lantern Gnome 2 oct09