Alka_007: A BEAUTIFUL Visitor
Alka_007: A BEAUTIFUL Visitor
Alka_007: Hi There !! Is this Pose OK ??
Alka_007: Taking in the view !!
Alka_007: From Down Under
Alka_007: Butterfly - Back to Back
Alka_007: Butterfly - Upside Down
Alka_007: Butterfly - Queen (Danaus Gilippus) - Brookfield Zoo - June 2010
Alka_007: Butterfly - Pipevine SwallowTail
Alka_007: Butterfly - Pipevine SwallowTail on Forehead
Alka_007: Butterfly - Cloudless Sulphur
Alka_007: Butterfly - Pipevine SwallowTail
Alka_007: Butterfly - Brookfield Zoo - June 2010
Alka_007: Butterfly - Giant Swallowtail - Brookfield Zoo - June 2010
Alka_007: Butterfly - Zebra Longwing
Alka_007: In Flight
Alka_007: Look Who's Swimming !!
Alka_007: I'm Leaving!!
Alka_007: Off she goes
Alka_007: Not near my babies !! - Village of Schaumburg - May 2010
Alka_007: Safe Landing
Alka_007: New Mom and Dad
Alka_007: Cock a doodle doo !!
Alka_007: Backyard Visitor
Alka_007: Approaching for Landing
Alka_007: Should I Shouldn't I ?
Alka_007: Mute Swan - " I'm incharge here"
Alka_007: Mute Swan - Dripping Water
Alka_007: Giving me the Look !!
Alka_007: Butterfly