alixanaeuphoria: M U Philosophy Department
alixanaeuphoria: M U Old Quad
alixanaeuphoria: the fringe is the centre
alixanaeuphoria: i'll get money, i'll get funny again
alixanaeuphoria: wash your hands with the froth of lungs
alixanaeuphoria: comedy loves tragedy
alixanaeuphoria: let me be all the words echoed in comfort
alixanaeuphoria: a day of bounty and stuff.
alixanaeuphoria: by definition....
alixanaeuphoria: crowd-surf off a cliff
alixanaeuphoria: love the beast to death
alixanaeuphoria: queen victoria night market
alixanaeuphoria: longtime famous
alixanaeuphoria: squatting on the stoop at starbucks
alixanaeuphoria: this is 'I can't stand you'
alixanaeuphoria: still flyin' vocalist + boogieboard + willing crowd =
alixanaeuphoria: weatherman
alixanaeuphoria: in the radio's hot sun
alixanaeuphoria: "the revolution wasn't bad