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Alitex Open Day Sept 2014 by Alitex UK
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Alitex UK
The team from NT Woolbeding demo at our open day
Alitex UK
Wild Damson setting up at Torberry for the open day
Alitex UK
MIranda Gore Browne co-incidentally book of the week in the Telegraph
Alitex UK
Factory tours today at our open day
Alitex UK
The team from NT's Woolbeding at our open day
Alitex UK
Marina setting up her plants
Alitex UK
In full swing at our open day on saturday
Alitex UK
Lots of events but life goes on with Sally calling all our show enquiries
Alitex UK
Torberry looking fab and ready for 300 guests over next 2 days
Alitex UK
Xian gets on with name labels for the lecture
Alitex UK
Ever seen the yard this clear? (no, never) Must be the open day/lecture
Alitex UK
Love this David Harber sculpture exhibited for our open day and lecture
Alitex UK
Super busy with events and the greenhouses & conservatories keep on leaving!
Alitex UK
follow the yellow brick road in the factory
Alitex UK
Thanks to Dave Miles and team for getting the factory ship shape
Alitex UK
Gaze Burvill bench complements our greenhouse at Torberry
Alitex UK
Nelly on flower arrangements with Jo - thanks to Carol for harvesting her garden
Alitex UK
Sculptures around Torberry look great for the open day and lecture
Alitex UK
Even the training room involved!
Alitex UK
Leslie anne from Muntons plant supports at our open day
Alitex UK
WE had Edward Barnsley Furniture in the conservatory, and a demo of bevelling + pulled pork from The BIg Green Egg
Alitex UK
Wild Damson ran a wonderful pop up shop at our open day - looked amazing
Alitex UK
Some fine craftsmanship on display through Edward barnsley Furniture at our open day
Alitex UK
Marina's plants attractin gpraise as well as wildlife
Alitex UK
Factory tours on the hour were well received
Alitex UK
Some great factory tours at our open day