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Extra large greenhouse structure destined for USA by Alitex UK
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Alitex UK
Trial construction of a major greenhouse project
Alitex UK
The rear lobby of the greenhouse at Torberry
Alitex UK
The trail construction was a real talking point
Alitex UK
Chris gave us all an explanation of the details over a coffee and bacon buttie
Alitex UK
We look forward to seeing it in all its glory in the USA
Alitex UK
The front entrance - cant quite tell, but the doors are 2.5 metres high!
Alitex UK
our large greenhouse bound for the USA
Alitex UK
Greenhouse in a box - available from Alitex
Alitex UK
going going gone
Alitex UK
All packed up and ready to go
Alitex UK
its all in the reversing. lots of concentration needed
Alitex UK
A nerve-racking moment
Alitex UK
Taking shape
Alitex UK
Still standing
Alitex UK
It's been a challenge of enormous weather proportions in America
Alitex UK
International Alitex Team with a job well done in USA
Alitex UK
This is the uber benching for our large scale American project - Tony and Jason included for scale!
Alitex UK
HUGE benching destined for America
Alitex UK
Container 3
Alitex UK
Container 2
Alitex UK
Container 1