alist: all of us go to NYC
alist: meeting with dan hickey at global kids
alist: erin, katie, and kelly
alist: kelly and clement at global kids in nyc
alist: lunch prep
alist: henry, carrie, erin
alist: erin listens to JSB
alist: katie and clement give feedback
alist: AERA last-minute prep
alist: erin makes changes
alist: What is Project New Media Literacies?
alist: a marriage made in heaven
alist: alice and erin take questions
alist: henry and howard
alist: waiting for our lunch companions
alist: rebecca
alist: debbie looking badass
alist: walter eats
alist: ben and i contemplate signs
alist: walt greets jim
alist: betty, rebecca, rich
alist: still waiting...
alist: walt & krat
alist: walter plays DS with dad
alist: walter plays DS
alist: Ben and Sean after their AERA Presentations
alist: Erin hits AERA NYC
alist: Rock Band in Times Square
alist: anderson in times square