alist: passed out on the sofa
alist: eating our first thai in my new apartment
alist: katie and cassie like it spicy
alist: charlotte sleeps (finally)
alist: katie loves annie
alist: feeding charlotte (boxes in the background)
alist: before pic!
alist: mom to the universe
alist: my girls
alist: annie, cas, charlotte
alist: bathing in the sink on a hot day
alist: curious about everything
alist: giving charlotte a bath in the kitchen sink
alist: buildings in my neighborhood
alist: cassie, charlotte, and katie in cambridge
alist: ah, cambridge
alist: jonathan outside organic furniture cellar
alist: trash can for dog waste
alist: somewhere in upstate new york
alist: stopped for gas
alist: i'm blue (sad to leave madison)
alist: mass pike
alist: jonathan explains nuclear fusion
alist: jonathan hides from the camera
alist: driving across new york
alist: on the road to cambridge
alist: all the accoutrements
alist: calling laura (again)
alist: stopped in portage, indiana
alist: reading with the headlamp