alissa duke: 10Dec13 fruit compote
alissa duke: 24May10 EDM in EDiM Draw a piece of fruit
alissa duke: 16Dec10 Cherries for Christmas
alissa duke: 13Jul09 EDM232 Draw what you bought last - Vegetables
alissa duke: 14Nov13 tomatoes
alissa duke: 26May10 EDM in EDiM Draw a vegetable
alissa duke: 07Apr13 Lunch today
alissa duke: 07Dec12 Rhubarb
alissa duke: 16Jan12 Dinner on Friday
alissa duke: 06Jul11 Persimmon from the markets
alissa duke: 28Apr11 more food
alissa duke: 04Jul10 Giant for Illustration Friday
alissa duke: 03Jul10 Paddington lunch
alissa duke: 14Sept13 dinner
alissa duke: 06Mar10 prickly pear from the Growers Markets
alissa duke: 01May10 Growers markets
alissa duke: EDM307 Draw something raw
alissa duke: 18Jan11 Chicken (or the egg?) for Illustration Friday
alissa duke: 02Apr13 EGG for Illustration Friday
alissa duke: 8May12 Draw an egg carton
alissa duke: 06Aug09 egg and omelette
alissa duke: 14Feb09 Eggs from the markets
alissa duke: 15Feb09 more eggs
alissa duke: 04Sept10 carrots from the markets
alissa duke: 03Nov12 food from the markets
alissa duke: 03Sept11 beans on envelopes
alissa duke: 04Sept10 baby turnip family
alissa duke: 07Oct12 from the markets
alissa duke: 08Nov11 Growers markets