pink hats, red shoes: The Garment District
pink hats, red shoes: Skywalk sign
pink hats, red shoes: View from the Skywalk
pink hats, red shoes: Leaping statue
pink hats, red shoes: View from the Skywalk
pink hats, red shoes: View from the Skywalk
pink hats, red shoes: Beer at the Beer Works!
pink hats, red shoes: Beer Works
pink hats, red shoes: CBC at Harvard
pink hats, red shoes: The Garment District: shoes
pink hats, red shoes: Heather loves Boston
pink hats, red shoes: Boston from above
pink hats, red shoes: Boston from above
pink hats, red shoes: Mini chilies in the Prudential Center
pink hats, red shoes: Boston library courtyard
pink hats, red shoes: Looking up from the boston library courtyard
pink hats, red shoes: Bowling shoes
pink hats, red shoes: Heather bowls like whoa
pink hats, red shoes: Bowling balls
pink hats, red shoes: Bowling is awesome
pink hats, red shoes: Bowling pins
pink hats, red shoes: Outbound to Wonderland
pink hats, red shoes: Lobster hat!
pink hats, red shoes: Penguin shower time