pink hats, red shoes: Apple dumplings, part 1
pink hats, red shoes: Apple dumplings, part 2
pink hats, red shoes: Apple dumplings, part 3
pink hats, red shoes: Eagle Brand
pink hats, red shoes: Eagle Brand 2
pink hats, red shoes: Eagle Brand + pumpkin puree = yummy
pink hats, red shoes: The tarts, they bake
pink hats, red shoes: Pumpkin tarts: the final frontier
pink hats, red shoes: Pretty raspberry milkshake
pink hats, red shoes: Canada claims (baked) Alaska
pink hats, red shoes: The burning bush...of cheese
pink hats, red shoes: Never eat talking cookies
pink hats, red shoes: Swirly pumpkin batter
pink hats, red shoes: Christmas cookies
pink hats, red shoes: Simada, aka sugar-butter bread
pink hats, red shoes: Croque-au-bouche
pink hats, red shoes: Deep-fried rice balls
pink hats, red shoes: Magic noodles, part 2
pink hats, red shoes: Magic noodles!
pink hats, red shoes: Moroccan stew
pink hats, red shoes: The sourdough also rises
pink hats, red shoes: Smooth as a baby's bottom
pink hats, red shoes: DOUGHHANDS!
pink hats, red shoes: The sponge