Alison Colvin: NC people
Alison Colvin: mrs benton
Alison Colvin: douglass and NC person
Alison Colvin: elder tim
Alison Colvin: megan 2
Alison Colvin: megan and sis
Alison Colvin: other sis
Alison Colvin: fighting
Alison Colvin: view behind the wheel
Alison Colvin: I drive the semi
Alison Colvin: the randolph house
Alison Colvin: last pic in front of house
Alison Colvin: douglass and elder tim
Alison Colvin: the outfit douglass wants
Alison Colvin: douglass gets stuck with all the bags
Alison Colvin: eating on the road
Alison Colvin: our yummy food
Alison Colvin: EXTREME closeup of prissy
Alison Colvin: another cooking action shot
Alison Colvin: not really sure what this is
Alison Colvin: another closeup of prissy
Alison Colvin: prissy and my book
Alison Colvin: do i take enough pics of prissy
Alison Colvin: CHEAP gas
Alison Colvin: prissy is bright
Alison Colvin: driving
Alison Colvin: more driving
Alison Colvin: family photo
Alison Colvin: warm hotel pool in FL