Alison Colvin:
dawn after getting hair done
Alison Colvin:
douglasss turn
Alison Colvin:
douglass has too much hair
Alison Colvin:
pretty douglass hair
Alison Colvin:
dawn prewife
Alison Colvin:
dawn and her mom
Alison Colvin:
dawn prewife2
Alison Colvin:
dawn and emily
Alison Colvin:
dawn and emily 2
Alison Colvin:
the girls are not looking
Alison Colvin:
whats up her nose.
Alison Colvin:
still not looking
Alison Colvin:
their backs
Alison Colvin:
looking not at me
Alison Colvin:
no bride
Alison Colvin:
Alison Colvin:
look at that hot blonde
Alison Colvin:
wow i am short
Alison Colvin:
self portrait
Alison Colvin:
nice paper towel dispenser
Alison Colvin:
douglass and dawn
Alison Colvin:
blurry douglass
Alison Colvin:
the cutie kids
Alison Colvin:
the bride and her dad
Alison Colvin:
at the alter
Alison Colvin:
douglass is way on the bottom
Alison Colvin:
the best part
Alison Colvin:
the vows
Alison Colvin:
mr and mrs miller
Alison Colvin:
douglass pimpin it