acdme: Bodnath shrouded in prayer flags
acdme: Bodnath Stupa
acdme: Altar
acdme: Pema Ts'al Monastery and Machapuchare
acdme: Ngawang leading a prayer
acdme: Prayer Flags a Tibetan New Year
acdme: Pema Ts'al monks in puja
acdme: Blessing the new prayer flags
acdme: Rajput at Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur
acdme: Girl working near Savitri Temple
acdme: Sadhus in the Pushkar bazaars
acdme: Kids outside the barber shop
acdme: Kunga Tenzin
acdme: Youngsters with puppy
acdme: Wildchild!
acdme: Eye Spy
acdme: Spinning the prayer wheel
acdme: Chorten in McLeod Ganj
acdme: Prayer Flags
acdme: Hard Labor
acdme: Making butter lamps at Tsuglagkhang Temple
acdme: Beautiful Tibetan Woman
acdme: Monk and Mani Stone
acdme: Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum...
acdme: Monks debating
acdme: Neither man nor woman
acdme: Woman with Prayer Wheels
acdme: Khampa
acdme: Beaming
acdme: Peace