acdme: The Mormons didn't call it Zion for nuthin'
acdme: into the cleft
acdme: stratified goodness
acdme: sacred datura
acdme: kermie the toad
acdme: datura burst
acdme: Scaaron!!
acdme: early morning hoodoos
acdme: torched
acdme: pink tips
acdme: the floor of Lake Flagstaff...
acdme: soft and spikey limestone filled with iron and manganese
acdme: color and texture quartet
acdme: carving the way through the grand staircase
acdme: wizzened old tree
acdme: drooping sun on majestic buttes
acdme: outer planet geology perhaps?
acdme: rising rock wall
acdme: Whoah!
acdme: desert rock rubble
acdme: Ow!
acdme: Salt Lake Temple by night
acdme: Crusin' on 15
acdme: Cliff rose (Purshia mexicana)
acdme: Angel's Window
acdme: demi rock demi sky
acdme: great visibility
acdme: grazing beauty
acdme: wild purple petals
acdme: tarantula crossing Hwy 89