acdme: orange sunbursts
acdme: purple starbursts
acdme: pink rose
acdme: pink orchids
acdme: white orchid
acdme: all tangled
acdme: pretty feet
acdme: spotty
acdme: Skull at Walter Reed museum
acdme: dragonfly
acdme: Quaker ladies (Houstonia caerulea)
acdme: magenta
acdme: mug shot
acdme: briiliant mum
acdme: sporulate
acdme: finger extreme macro
acdme: Purple shrooms (Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis)
acdme: ripples
acdme: moss, leaf, and lichen
acdme: lovely lichen
acdme: slimy slug
acdme: barnacle barnacle
acdme: bracket fungus family
acdme: clawing lichen
acdme: tendrils
acdme: Hygrocybe coccinea
acdme: hoof fungus on tree
acdme: baby blue crab sunbathing
acdme: snails and barnacles
acdme: Bracket fungus on birch tree