L*Ali: Reflection
L*Ali: Allergy alert
L*Ali: Stuff
L*Ali: Hello?
L*Ali: Reflection
L*Ali: Jug
L*Ali: metal
L*Ali: Framed outside
L*Ali: 420 for the junkies
L*Ali: Elevate
L*Ali: Powdered mess
L*Ali: Boardroom
L*Ali: Wired
L*Ali: Where does it lead?
L*Ali: Junkie pile
L*Ali: And let there be light
L*Ali: Main room
L*Ali: Hello, emergency exit?
L*Ali: Reflected
L*Ali: Red and blue make purple
L*Ali: Door
L*Ali: Rooftop
L*Ali: Bolts
L*Ali: Colourful
L*Ali: Hot box
L*Ali: Powder
L*Ali: Electrics
L*Ali: Meth heads beware
L*Ali: My reflection
L*Ali: My Reflection