alisonbents: 092.365 reflected
alisonbents: 093.365 No. 91 #shakeitout2014 #selfie #365
alisonbents: 094.365 crispity.
alisonbents: Out for a spot of breakfast. #vscocam #waiting #minnesota
alisonbents: No. 93 earlier #shakeitout2014 #selfie #365
alisonbents: 095.365 timing.
alisonbents: 096.365 No. 94 August Henry #shakeitout2014 #selfie #365
alisonbents: 097.365 eat a cheeseburger.
alisonbents: 098.365 babe.
alisonbents: 099.365 my heart.
alisonbents: 100.365 I didn't know how much I'd like him.
alisonbents: godparents
alisonbents: Aunt Courtney
alisonbents: August
alisonbents: August
alisonbents: baby bucket
alisonbents: August - first day home
alisonbents: August - second day home
alisonbents: Father and son. #augusthenry #birthday #myheart #vscocam
alisonbents: No. 98
alisonbents: and they even let us take him home. #augusthenry #whoknewtherewassuchlove
alisonbents: No. 95 #shakeitout2014
alisonbents: 90.365 album club babe
alisonbents: No. 90 #shakeitout2014 #selfie #365
alisonbents: 091.365 No. 89 #shakeitout2014 #selfie #365
alisonbents: 101.365 post bath fuzzy head.
alisonbents: 102.365 poor man's macro.
alisonbents: 103.365 1 week old.
alisonbents: treasure.
alisonbents: 104.365 horizontal.