alisonbents: Awww :)
alisonbents: Jumping for joy
alisonbents: There's the bridge!
alisonbents: licking nerds?
alisonbents: "Now look at me when you do that!"
alisonbents: we'll be together in the morning
alisonbents: Walk with me
alisonbents: Pat and Alison :)
alisonbents: Awww...
alisonbents: B&W overexposed
alisonbents: Minnehaha...
alisonbents: Great Superior Wave
alisonbents: Top of Enger Tower
alisonbents: Enger Tower smooch
alisonbents: Snowballs
alisonbents: Enger tower
alisonbents: Snowy smooch
alisonbents: Pose with me
alisonbents: Swing with me
alisonbents: Walk with me
alisonbents: Lovers' Leap
alisonbents: Playground B&W
alisonbents: Playground antiqued
alisonbents: Snuggle and walk
alisonbents: en route
alisonbents: In the shadow of the lighthouse
alisonbents: "the only one for me is you, and you for me"
alisonbents: Lighthouse lovers
alisonbents: And they fell in love in the fair city of Duluth