alisdare1: Which Side of History are you on?
alisdare1: The Student Intifada
alisdare1: Pro ceasefire activist addresses students and supporters outside University College London
alisdare1: Netanyahu - Lock him up!
alisdare1: Mahmoud Darwish quotation - "If the olive trees knew the hands that planted them, their oil would become tears."
alisdare1: Free Palestine - Activists outside University College London
alisdare1: From the river to the sea Palestine will be free
alisdare1: No Safe Place
alisdare1: SOAS and UCL students and their supporters stand in solidarity with Palestinians
alisdare1: We will not stop, we will not rest! - Die-in for Gaza outside London's Tottenham Court Road station
alisdare1: SOAS students and supporters die-in for Gaza outside London's Tottenham Court Road station
alisdare1: Al Quds University bombed
alisdare1: Die-in for Gaza outside London's Tottenham Court Road station
alisdare1: Every university in Gaza has been destroyed
alisdare1: Mahmoud Jamal Al-Nakhala - engineering student killed after writing post about turning twenty "amid the sound of bombing and the rubble of buildings"
alisdare1: SOAS students and supporters stage Gaza Die-in Outside London's Tottenham Court Road Station
alisdare1: SOAS students and supporters rally - Disclose, Divest - We will not stop, we will not rest!
alisdare1: SOAS students and supporters rally - Disclose, Divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.
alisdare1: Raised fists in solidarity with Gaza
alisdare1: SOAS Students and supporters march along Malet Street
alisdare1: We will not stop, we will not rest
alisdare1: Globalise the Intafada
alisdare1: Irish-Palestinian solidarity - Stop Arming Israel
alisdare1: Supporting the students
alisdare1: "The genocide in Gaza is not happening in my name" - Stephen Kapos, 87, a Holocaust survivor, stands in solidarity with students at UCL and SOAS protesting against genocide in Gaza
alisdare1: SOAS students and their supporters rally in solidarity with Palestinians
alisdare1: Judaism rejects Zionism
alisdare1: No Justice - No Peace - Activist with a placard at SOAS
alisdare1: Divest from Death - Activist addresses student supporters outside UCL
alisdare1: SOAS Liberated Zone