alisdare1: A Stand For Congo activist addresses fellow protesters outside the Apple Store on London's Regent Street.
alisdare1: Peace and justice for children in the Democratic Republic of Congo
alisdare1: Standing for Congo - protester in London's Regent Street
alisdare1: Free Congo from Western consumer capitalism
alisdare1: Rwanda is killing civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo
alisdare1: Activist speaks to Stand for Congo protesters outside the Apple Store on London's Regent Street
alisdare1: Stand for Congo protesters outside the Apple Store on London's Regent Street
alisdare1: Without tools for less than £2 a day
alisdare1: Stand for Congo protesters outside the Apple Store on London's Regent Street.
alisdare1: No 1 is Free until Congo is Free - #StandForCongo #CongoisBleeding
alisdare1: A Stand For Congo protester at Piccadilly Circus, London