alisdare1: Pakistan - Let the people (and not the CIA and ISI) decide
alisdare1: Free Imran Khan
alisdare1: Where is disappeared journalist Imran Riaz Khan?
alisdare1: Imran Khan - We'll never leave you
alisdare1: Protesting the US backed coup against Imran Khan
alisdare1: Imran Khan stood for us - Now it's time to stand for him
alisdare1: Imran Khan stood for us - Now it's time to stand for him #2
alisdare1: Release Imran Khan - Stop the US backed coup
alisdare1: Protesting at Piccadilly Circus v the US backed coup against Imran Khan
alisdare1: Stop the US backed coup - in London hundreds demanded Imran Khan's release
alisdare1: Pakistan's democratic future depends on Imran Khan's release
alisdare1: We stand with Imran Khan - Stop the US backed coup
alisdare1: We want a democratic Pakistan
alisdare1: Imran Khan - We'll never leave you
alisdare1: Release Imran Khan - Stop the US backed coup #2
alisdare1: London's Leicester Square surprised by hundreds of Imran Khan supporters
alisdare1: 'They are coming after you' - Imran Khan's removal and arrest will enable hundreds of arbitrary detentions
alisdare1: Shayan Ali speaks to hundreds demanding Imran Khan's release
alisdare1: Shayan Ali speaks to hundreds demanding Imran Khan's release #2
alisdare1: Stop the US backed coup - Shayan Ali speaks to hundreds demanding Imran Khan's release #3
alisdare1: Stop the US backed coup - Shayan Ali speaks to hundreds demanding Imran Khan's release #4
alisdare1: Release Imran Khan - Stop the US backed coup #3
alisdare1: Determined to stop the coup - People march up London's Regent Street to demand Imran Khan's release
alisdare1: Don't look behind you - Leicester Square is surprised by hundreds demanding democracy for Pakistan
alisdare1: Break the chains of fear - Stop the US backed coup #4
alisdare1: 'Bravery is standing with the truth and the right.' - Imran Khan
alisdare1: Standing against the US/dark money backed coup in Pakistan