alisdare1: Stop Arming Israel
alisdare1: Police protect DSEI Arms Fair from blockade attempt.
alisdare1: "¡No pasarán!" - police and a Dalek during a DSEI Arms Fair protest.
alisdare1: Ahmed Al-Babati speaking to activists outside the DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: Despondent but determined outside the DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: Feeling Blue - Huddersfield Quakers for Peace.
alisdare1: End the Arms Trade !
alisdare1: Activists and peace banners outside the DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: Music in the rain outside the DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: Dalek Arms Trader and Activist at DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: A Dalek Arms Trader !
alisdare1: Stop the Merchants of Death
alisdare1: War Starts Here ! Activists outside the DSEI Arms Fair
alisdare1: Stop Arming Israel
alisdare1: Breaking the almost total silence on the complicity of Britain in Saudi war crimes in Yemen.
alisdare1: Stop Arming Israel.
alisdare1: Police officer requests protesters at DSEI, Europe's biggest arms for dictators market, at Excel in East London to cease blockading the road or face arrest.
alisdare1: Protester arrested for allegedly "obstructing" the road to profits from arming murderous tyrants.
alisdare1: Police officers cutting a device locking two women, who were lying in the road in protest against the 2017 DSEI arms fair at Excel in London - the biggest market for arms and security equipment for brutal dictatorships.
alisdare1: UK stop arming Turkey. Two protesters locked themselves together to block access to Britain's biggest arms fair - DSEI at Excel.
alisdare1: Free Movement for People not Weapons
alisdare1: Stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.
alisdare1: Protesters, police and security officials at London's Science Museum.
alisdare1: Bahrain activist and torture victim, Isa Al-Aali, arrested outside London's Science Museum where Bahraini arms dealers had been among those invited to a reception.
alisdare1: Bahrain activist and torture victim, Isa al-Aali, arrested outside London's Science Museum where Bahraini arms dealers had been among those invited to a reception.
alisdare1: It's the poor who die.
alisdare1: To Defend or to crush democracy? Seen today outside London's ExCel Exhibition Centre
alisdare1: To Defend or to crush democracy?#4 Seen today outside London's ExCel Exhibition Centre.
alisdare1: To defend or to crush democracy?#2 Seen today outside London's ExCel Exhibition Centre
alisdare1: To Defend or to crush Democracy?#3 Seen today's outside London's ExCel Exhibition Centre